Welcome to our chartered design and planning studio. We are dedicated, dynamic, and above all we believe ourselves to be unique in what we do. We were set up with a focus on cafe culture and franchise store modelling, but with a key difference in that we have developed from an architectural and planning consultancy background. Not only do we therefore focus on the highly specialised and fast paced world of the commercial interior but we are unique in being able to maximise the economic potential of any site with a complete architectural package, from remodelling right through to major residential and commercial development.
These are our key members:
Matt Phillips
The founder of Architecture Design, Matt specialises in cafe culture, retail, leisure and residential development. Currently working with retail clients and franchisees of both global brands and boutique stores; designing, planning, branding, and re-imaging them. An unrivalled planning experience of over 3000 shops taken successfully from conception to completion.
Residential projects are also a passion having exhibited work on the future of London housing, bespoke planning and construction of new homes, extensions, conversions, and the design of major development.
Having studied architecture at the Architectural Association and the University of Greenwich, Matt graduated with a first class honours degree and a distinction for postgraduate studies. He has received RIBA medal nomination for work and also received awards for performance in architecture, design technology, and CAD.
Matt is chartered as both an architect with the Royal Institute of British Architects and as an interior designer with the Chartered Society of Designers. He is also on the RIBA’s register of approved Principal Designers.
Kamlesh Singh
Our resident coffee shop expert, there isn't much he doesn't know about the world of franchise and coffee design. His architectural background also means that any shop fit-out is built looking at the bigger picture, be it simple structural alterations through to mixed use redevelopment of the entire site. Your contact for any new commercial feasibility study and planning development.
Marius Pustai
Marius' adept mixed skill base covers not only our residential developments but also our latest franchised and equity commercial retail projects. The complex floor designs involved in such developments have swiftly led him to become our in-house CAD and rendering guru, so if something needs calculating and visualising whilst complying with regulations, he's all over it.
Katie Willis
Katie is highly experienced in architecture and interior design. As well as driving forward our work with coffee shop layouts and renewals of existing stores, she is also busy developing exciting franchise designs throughout the UK for many up and coming new brands.
Lee Ironmonger
Lee is our planning and franchise specialist with a focus on drive-thru design. As well as new site layouts, Lee ensures designs meet both brand requirements as well as all the relevant building regulations and local constraints ready for construction. As is essential for any member of our team, he's also an expert in coffee shop layouts!
Joanne Dominguez
Joanne previously worked on educational spaces and is now helping us to plan store designs for existing brands and is also busy developing manuals and CAD templates for various franchise expansions throughout the UK (and Morocco!).
Dionne-Rose Coles
BA(hons), PGDip Arch ARB
Our latest recruit, Dionne, a registered Architect, is set to streamline our coffee design team and will be working throughout the UK on new store openings, renewals, and drive-thrus; covering all aspects of planning, building regulations and principal designer duties.
Joe Williams
Joe comes from an architecture background and has joined our coffee design team working throughout the UK on both renewals and new store openings.
Cedric Shostia
Skilled in mixed used development, covering commercial fit-outs, residential conversions, and new build.
Bernita Lorentson
Our office manager, Bernita, is a jack of all trades. Orchestrating day-to-day life in the office with the scale of the client base we have is no mean feat, but if ever you need to find out what’s happening, query a job or account, guaranteed, she'll have the answer.